Tamar Uziel

Tamar Uziel

Company: Abbvie

Job title: Scientific Director, Research Fellow; Precision Medicine Oncology, Translational Research, Lead


Mastermind Discussions: Elucidating the Value of Using 3D Tissue Models for Drug Screening & Precision Medicine 11:30 am

Evaluating the pros and cons of 3D tissues over a standard cell culture How can organoids be used to reproducibly address circulation? Moving towards standardized protocols when using organoidsRead more

day: Applications in Drug Delivery & Screening Day 2 AM

Identifying Potential Biomarkers Before Evaluating in the Clinic 8:30 am

Pre-screening using human tumor-derived models What is the right model to use to identify biomarkers? What is the best experiment to conductRead more

day: Day Two AM

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